
Hello i am Johnny i am doing this for a class but you are more then welcome to explore it since there's nothing bad here, you can look for facts about jobs if you interested and I have some quotes to make sure you choose the right and not the wrong. If you could not tell by the background i love pugs they are cute so i might change the background every once in a while for PUGS!!!! also remember to choose the right ====>

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


" The six pillars of characteristics "

Trustworthiness- is being honest and ctr all time so people can know that your trustworthy and reliable
Respect- is the characteristic that you have to show to get back from someone and respect is one of them most valuable things that one can get from someone.
Responsibility- is sticking to what you say you will do and being on task.
Fairness- fairness and respecct are sorta similar in the fact that with fairness you will earn respect. Fairness is basically being fair to one another and doing whats right.
Caring- is being nice and considerite about the other person or being.
Citizenship-is the process of being such a member. It is how we make society work, together.
Reflection: I think that the six pillars of characteristics are pillars to live by that they are some of the insperational things to live by. 

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