
Hello i am Johnny i am doing this for a class but you are more then welcome to explore it since there's nothing bad here, you can look for facts about jobs if you interested and I have some quotes to make sure you choose the right and not the wrong. If you could not tell by the background i love pugs they are cute so i might change the background every once in a while for PUGS!!!! also remember to choose the right ====>

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


" Of all the choices you will ever make, one choive supersedes all others-the ultamate choice. This one choice will help you alway make correct  decisions. This one choice, The ultimate choice, is your keystone to being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will forever  affect you for good more than other choice. THE ULTIMATE CHOICE is: To be a CTR Person-to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
Reflection: I think that this is a sad quoe sine it will be our last quote ever that we do in this class and i think its just sad. Even thought this quoe will be our last i know that this quote is a qquote to live by a quote that will open the doors for me if i live by it. This quote is basically a summeray of all the other quotes weve done and its to live by them. I fell of all the quotes this one will get me becuase i know that i spent allmost a full year in this class sall so we can learn how to follow this quote and i know that i will not be able to do anything without consulting myself to ctr and remembering this class and all the new friends ive made. I will miss this class but i will live by what this class has tought me and i will remember it 

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