
Hello i am Johnny i am doing this for a class but you are more then welcome to explore it since there's nothing bad here, you can look for facts about jobs if you interested and I have some quotes to make sure you choose the right and not the wrong. If you could not tell by the background i love pugs they are cute so i might change the background every once in a while for PUGS!!!! also remember to choose the right ====>

Friday, September 26, 2014



Duties and responsibilities:

A cardiologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the heart, and most of his or her work is made up of diagnosing conditions, working to treat and cure specific ailments, and helping heart patients improve their quality of life. People in this field usually spend a lot of time working on teams with other medical specialists, but the specifics of their day-to-day responsibilities can vary depending on the choices they’ve made when it comes to specialization. Experts can choose to work just with children, for instance, or they can focus on a specific ailment like a heart murmur; others decide to use their skills for research, or for the development of drugs and new treatment trials. What everyone in the field shares, though, is a deep knowledge of the heart and cardiovascular system and a commitment to treating and ideally healing patients.


Cardioligist make around $514,000


Cardiologists receive extensive education, including four years of medical school and three years of training in general internal medicine. After this, a cardiologist spends three or more years in specialized training. That’s ten or more years of training!

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